
Repairing Cracks in Concrete Foundation – DIY Projects for Home

Fix the issue yourself through these tips.

The first thing to fill in the crack using triple expanding foam. The nozzle must be put into the crack, holding the can upside down. The goal isn’t to cover all cracks. It is possible to chisel the mortar off of any gaps to increase its size.

In order to make the mortar you will want pour the mixture into the bucket of five gallon with water, and slowly blend it as you go. You can also add a glue agent so that the mortar can get a better stick against the wall. Wait five minutes for the mixture to harden. While you wait, look to see if any of the foam was able to escape from the crack since you’ll want to chisel that away. The next step is to place the mortar over the crack, and then smooth it with your trowel.

After drying, you should have sealed cracks in your foundation! To learn more about this process, contact an expert concrete builder. Or watch the video!


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