
What Is There To Do in Rochester? Oh, So Much

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Welcome to Rochester! We are very glad that you are here to check out some of our fine Rochester NY colleges, with some of the finest education opportunities around. But you should also know that there is more to Rochester than its colleges. There are plenty of fun things to do in Rochester. Once you get back to the hotel, be sure to pick up a brochure boasting what we have.

  • Rochester NY Colleges
  • No matter what you want to go to school for, you can find one of many Rochester NY colleges that will offer that educational track for you. If you are looking to attend a community college, an option you really should consider, you can opt for Monroe Community College. For private schools, you have your pick. There is the Rochester Institute of Technology, the University of Rochester, Nazareth College, Saint John Fisher, or even the Eastman School of Music.

  • Hotels in Rochester New York
  • In Rochester, you can find pretty much every standard hotel that you would expect to find in any major city. But if you are coming to Rochester, enjoy one of the hotels that are unique to the area. Plan to stay at the Rochester Plaza, the East Avenue Inn and Suites, the Courtyard Rochester Brighton, or the Inn on Broadway.

    Or better yet, for a truly unique experience, look to the outlying towns of Rochester for some exceptional bed and breakfasts. Whether you are looking in Victor, Canandaigua, Brighton, or Pittsford, there will be at least one B and B for you. It will cost less and give you more, so that you can enjoy your experience here in the city even more.

  • Rochester Museum of Art
  • Once you have figured those things out, be sure to look for some things to do in Rochester New York before you go. There is the Rochester museum of art known as the Memorial Art Gallery, housed in a gorgeous, old, stone building. There is also the Rochester Museum and Science Center, the Strong National Museum of Play, and the Seneca Park Zoo, for starters! Those are the big draws here in the city, there is not enough time to get into the details of the smaller stuff. Rochester is also known for its theatre, its arts, its food and drink, and the Rochester Public Market.

As if the schools and bed and breakfasts were not enough of a draw to come here to Rochester, the sheer variety of activities to do, year round, on a daily basis, is staggering. Drive around for ten minutes, do a little research, ask some locals. However you find the info, it will all be the same. It will all point back to Rochester being a fantastic place to live.

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