Rochester, NY is a Great Place to Visit, and a Greater Place to Live Find Out Why Here!

Rochester NY Monroe County is a pretty huge center of commerce in the Rochester area, and comprises almost a third of the population considered to belong to the City of Rochester. Besides being a family friendly area, it is also a pretty young city in areas.
The fact that there are many young people in the area is owed in part because Monroe County Rochester NY is home to several colleges, many of which attract students from all over the world. Besides four year colleges, there are two year vocational colleges, trade schools, colleges with graduate programs … It is an intense center for learning and academia as well as business and commerce.
Though Monroe county is the Rochester county that is home to most of the local colleges, such as the University of Rochester, RIT, Monroe Community College, Nazareth, etc, there are actually several that comprise the city of Rochester. Each Rochester NY county is unique with varying populations and diversities, though of course the largest are going to have the most interest, diversity, and richness of different peoples. This diversity is much of the reason why people move their families to the greater Rochester area, whether they have infants or college age children, and it is the reason that they will continue to come in the future.
So, why not make Monroe county Rochester NY a part of your life, if not permanently, then just for a visit to the more historic sites of the city? There is as much history as there is rich culture in the city, and once you see that side of Rochester, there is no turning back!